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Sunday 15 April 2012

BB Creams, Worth The Hype?

Hi everyone,

So I decided to do this short blog post because the hype around BB creams is HUGE this season and I honestly don't think this product is worth the hype.

No7 Beautiful skin BB Cream.

Firstly BB creams are basically re-packaged Tinted Moisturisers ,quoted my Sam Chapman (pixiwoo). Most BB creams are not good quality or coverage and are probably quite a hefty price. They all state on the packaging that it is a sheer coverage, yes it is but I don't understand the reason for a BB cream then because you could have saved your money and bought a sheer coverage luminous foundation which you can build up the coverage.

Skin79 BB Cream.

If your like me and your 'a do it yourself' person then this is a great way of making a BB Cream out of basic makeup you should all own:

-Make sure you have a clean container to use
-Add around 6 pumps of your favourite foundation
-Add about a TBSL and a half your favourite sun screan
-Mix all of these products together
-If you like a dewy texture then do this step, add some MAC Fix Plus to the mixture.
-For the last step add some mineral foundation and mix it up

And your done! A sheer foundation/Tinted Moisturiser/BB cream.



  1. Cool idea!

  2. Great post! Yeah, I kind've figured them to be one of those products that simply aren't worth the hype. I know some that swear by them, but I think I'll stick with my Origins Vita-zing :)

  3. Yeah, they are supposed to be primer, moisture and color for the busy woman-- so why are they being bought by The Ladies Who Lunch?

    I have time to slap on one thing after another, myself. I agree, overly hyped. Nice blog-- I'll be back.

    BTW-- dewy, not duey.

    Peace, Mari
